Hello Foodies
Welcome to Hungry Tired Sleepy. Don’t think about the name too much, aren’t we all always Hungry for amazing food, Tired of the routine and definitely Sleepy, because who does not want 8 hours of sound sleep.
Hi, I am Yashi and food is always on my mind. After a long day at work, I look forward to cooking something simple and delicious. Born and brought up in the state of Uttarakhand, India, and with maternal and paternal roots in Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan, my life has always revolved around food. I mean as Indians, food is really an integral part of our lives, and it deserves that attention. My cooking journey started a few years back, when I moved to Pune for work, and have been experimenting with ingredients ever since.

A vegetarian by choice, I believe, plant based diet is the most sustainable and healthy way forward. Most of my recipes are vegan, or will have a vegan substitute. If not, do comment, and I will post a substitute.
Join me on my food journey, you will find true love here.
If you have any questions about the recipes, please email me at the address below. I will do my best to respond, but sometime it may take a while because I am always cooking up my next recipe for you.
Email: hungrytiredsleepy@gmail.com
Follow me on Instagram and YouTube
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