Does it ever happen, that you literally just have 5 minutes to cook and eat breakfast? Or feeling too lazy to go at the lengths of cooking a snack? Well, it happens to me and I am sure, it must have happened to you as well. The problem is clear, and so is the solution. Let’s make a 2 minutes egg muffin, that too in a microwave. All you need is an egg, vegetables of your choice, dash of milk and salt-pepper.
2 minutes Egg Muffin
Prep time: 1 minute
Cooking time: 1 minute
Total Time: 2 minutes
Ingredients you will need:
Egg- 1
Milk- 2 teaspoon
Salt and pepper- to taste
Vegetables of your choice, chopped finely
In a microwave safe mug whisk together egg and milk, add finely chopped vegetables of your choice. I have used carrots, capsicum, fresh coriander, salt and pepper. Give it a good mix, and microwave for 1 minute. Your super soft and quick muffin is now ready to be enjoyed.
My kid is 8 and he has learnt to make this. I am so glad that he can make something when I am not around. Thank you
This is great Roshni 🙂